We cannot remain silent anymore.

The fight for justice and equity requires a collective effort. This is a war for the very humanity of our children.

Black parents should not have to plead with school board leaders for support, because the failure for their child’s identity to be recognized in schools has led to that child attempting to scratch the Black off their skin.

Self love as told by an ant, a hill and a house for sale

It can be hard finding great children’s books right? I think I found one. I love books with a positive lesson. For me, the new book Anthill For Sale is about leaning to value and love yourself when others don’t. You can’t go wrong with message like that. And the illustrations are gorgeous too. @bigbellyubookco #PB #kidlit #amreading #parenting #family # love #childrenliteracy Read more

A chat with Black Moms Connection founder Tanya Hayles

When the boy child was 5 years old, he called me ‘Blackie’ and proudly told me that his friend from school told him that ‘Blackie’ was another word for Black people.  To say I was shocked, upset, angry was an understatement. That moment, that time the boy child called my a racial slur, was myContinueContinue reading “A chat with Black Moms Connection founder Tanya Hayles”

Living Your Best Life While Doing Life Afraid

Imagine this…You are living in Atlanta, Donald Trump has just won the election. You are shocked, you are in disbelief. You look over at your young son, his Black life matters more than anything in the world to you. Like so many Black mothers in the US, you worry for his future, you stress atContinueContinue reading “Living Your Best Life While Doing Life Afraid”

The Secret Lives of Black Mothers

When I scheduled this latest conversation for the Woke Mommy Chatter podcast. It was meant to be three people talking about the idea of achievement being equated to ‘acting white’ and the phrase ‘Oreo cookie’ that is hurled at Black kids who don’t fit the ‘stereotype.’   This episode does talk about that issue, but myContinueContinue reading “The Secret Lives of Black Mothers”

The Push for Work Life Balance

I recently wrote an article about only having one hour a day to spend with my kids if I accept a full-time 9-5, no flexibility job. One hour. That is my reality, and for me, that is not acceptable.    Why is it that in a world (at least in Canada), where maternity leave hasContinueContinue reading “The Push for Work Life Balance”

Searching for my own Wakanda

My own family tree is a network of blank spots and unanswered questions.

The One Where We Talk About Black Love

Black love is resistance, it is a fist in the air, it is the power of convictions, it is striving towards change, it is people who dedicate themselves to their community, it is unapologetic in its blackness.

Why Santa is ruining my Christmas

The boy child is 7 years old now. We’ve always enabled the belief in Santa and the magic of Christmas. But this year is different. The boy child wobbled. He wasn’t sure about Santa. He had questions. But they weren’t straightforward black and white questions like, is Santa real? He was too scared to askContinueContinue reading “Why Santa is ruining my Christmas”