Living Your Best Life While Doing Life Afraid

Imagine this…You are living in Atlanta, Donald Trump has just won the election. You are shocked, you are in disbelief. You look over at your young son, his Black life matters more than anything in the world to you. Like so many Black mothers in the US, you worry for his future, you stress atContinueContinue reading “Living Your Best Life While Doing Life Afraid”

The Secret Lives of Black Mothers

When I scheduled this latest conversation for the Woke Mommy Chatter podcast. It was meant to be three people talking about the idea of achievement being equated to ‘acting white’ and the phrase ‘Oreo cookie’ that is hurled at Black kids who don’t fit the ‘stereotype.’   This episode does talk about that issue, but myContinueContinue reading “The Secret Lives of Black Mothers”

The one where we talk about Princess Truly…because representation matters

I don’t know any black parent who doesn’t struggle to find books with characters that their child can relate to.  So that’s why when I came across the book I am Truly.  I snapped it up. I picked it purely on instinct. I looked at the cover and saw a little black girl and thought,ContinueContinue reading “The one where we talk about Princess Truly…because representation matters”

NO- I will never just ‘move on’ from Slavery.

Who the hell does David Cameron think he is? If I hear one more person say that black people should move on from slavery I’m going to loose my mind. Would he dare say to a Jewish audience that they should get over the holocaust? Which occurred for a shorter period of time than slavery?ContinueContinue reading “NO- I will never just ‘move on’ from Slavery.”

On Homeschooling…

The face of homeschooling is changing across North America as more and more black parents choose to educate their children in order to give them the best possible schooling possible. On episode 5 of the Woke Mommy Chatter Podcast, I am talking to Eva Greene Wilson author of  the blog and Yolanda Newton, Director of We talkContinueContinue reading “On Homeschooling…”

Woke Mommy Chatter- The Podcast: Episode 2

The one where we talk about interracial dating and identity. Don’t forget to subscribe and download the latest episode of the Woke Mommy Chatter Podcast. This week I continue my conversation with fellow Woke Moms Rochelle and Carla. We talk mixed race kids and identity, perception and micro-aggressions. Be sure to tune in, like andContinueContinue reading “Woke Mommy Chatter- The Podcast: Episode 2”

On Black Mom Groups

Yes, I belong to black only moms group. They have been a sanctuary for me. Before I found these groups I was struggling. My son was struggling with identity issues. He didn’t want to be ‘brown’ he hated his hair and waited ‘straight yellow hair.’ I knew what was missing….his village. We have a hugeContinueContinue reading “On Black Mom Groups”

There’s nothing wrong with being proud to be black

So apparently black pride is a threat the FBI feels the need to name and deal with. I know some people hate the term Woke. It’s overused. It’s also used in the wrong context and yes it’s become commercialized. I’m sure you’ve seen the t-shirts. But despite that I still like it. And for meContinueContinue reading “There’s nothing wrong with being proud to be black”

So excited to promo the the Woke Mommy Chatter podcast…coming soon!

Woke Mommy is working on a podcast that will be coming your way soon!  Look out for it and listen to the intro I recorded to learn more.