Don’t let John Kelly re-write History

I’m pretty sure it’s blatantly obvious that I’m no conservative. So typically, when I see the asinine, ignorant and tone deaf comments made by some conservative politicians, across the western world,I generally roll my eyes. Needless to say, I’ve been in a perpetual state of eye-rolling since Trump has been elected. But some things justContinueContinue reading “Don’t let John Kelly re-write History”

There’s nothing wrong with being proud to be black

So apparently black pride is a threat the FBI feels the need to name and deal with. I know some people hate the term Woke. It’s overused. It’s also used in the wrong context and yes it’s become commercialized. I’m sure you’ve seen the t-shirts. But despite that I still like it. And for meContinueContinue reading “There’s nothing wrong with being proud to be black”

So excited to promo the the Woke Mommy Chatter podcast…coming soon!

Woke Mommy is working on a podcast that will be coming your way soon!  Look out for it and listen to the intro I recorded to learn more.